Candle-Lit Carol Service with Hall Royd Band at 4pm on Sunday 15th December

A Service of Light suitable for all ages as we enjoy carols led by Hall Royd Band introduced by some of our young people. The service will be led by Tim Billingsley and after the service we hope to be entertained to a medley of Christmas tunes. All are welcome to join us for refreshments.

Super Heroes Nativity

Well done to the Brownies and Guides who presented a Nativity with a difference. The Superheroes were worried – they’d heard a rumour that someone was coming who would save the world. Hey that was their job! Who was trying to take it away from them? Well they learnt, of course, that the baby born to Mary in the stable at Bethlehem was the One who God had sent. Mary and Joseph had trudged from Nazareth with their ‘donkey‘ to arrive at Bethlehem but all the (Holiday) Inns were full and they had to rest in the stable.

The brownies were our host of angels who delighted us with their choir, singing “It was on a Starry Night..”, then a different version of “While Shepherds Watched their Flocks..” to the tune of ‘Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells’ and the opening verse of “Away in a Manger”. They were all nearly ‘outshone’ by the star (of the performance?) who led the shepherds and the kings around the church guiding them to the inn where Jesus slept in the manger. The shepherds had already nearly shot out of their skins when the angel Gabriel gave them the news.

What a delight it was. Thank you to everyone who took part or helped the girls to put the service together.

Remembrance and Reflection

Superhero Light Party

Join John Froud and the Zephaniah team…. Light Supper, songs, activities and a story.

RSVP: Zephaniah Trust 01274 533 732 Optional Superhero fancy-dress!

Around 100 people of all ages enjoyed the fun and fellowship at the Light Party. Sizzling Hot Dogs were on offer, a sensory room was set up with glittering lights and everyone had a great time!

Two Bands to Provide the Entertainment

The latest concert proved a great success with guest band London Metropolitan Brass taking one half and delighting everyone with a stirring arrangement of “Ilkley Moor b’aht at”. After refreshments, our own Hall Royd Band opened the second half and the finale saw the two bands combine for the final rousing piece.

Everyone who attended said it was a wonderful performance.

A retiring collection was taken with money being donated to Northcliffe Church but also to “Jessie’s Fund”, a charity which provides music therapy for children with complex needs.

Harvest Celebration

Our service was prepared and led by members of our congregation. The children helped with Bible readings and collecting our offering for All We Can and gifts for the local Food Bank. The focus was on material provided by All We Can based on ways to support farmers in Ethiopia who struggle to combat climate challenges. We zoned in on potatoes and even wrote chip prayers which we placed in chip baskets and then read out during the service. As the church was set out in cafe style it was easy for the children to come round offering us potato nibbles – crisps, hula hoops and so on. We enjoy potatoes in so many ways. It was good to hear how potato seeds are helping families in Ethiopia too.

Our AGM Service

We tried a new (to us) way of conducting the business of the AGM alongside our worship. We were keen to ensure that as many people as possible were involved in decision-making and hearing about the full life of the church. Reports on Safeguarding, Mission and Finance along with the Leadership and Pastoral reports and all sat comfortably amongst our readings, prayers and hymns. The children had prepared reports on their views on Sunday Club and made an excellent job of delivering these.

We were pleased to welcome visitors from Little Lane who joined us in worship.

All URC churches have been allocated £3,000 for Mission so we used this opportunity to present three proposals as to how we might use this money to best effect. One suggestion was that we develop the downstairs entrance hall to make it a more comfortable reception area for the many visitors who use our community rooms through the week. The second recommendation was to develop our outside space into a calming, reflective community garden; proclaiming God’s love of creation. The third proposal focused on developing our front of church to make it more inviting to passers-by, possibly with new doors, a ramp, and the vestibule upgraded into a more open reception area. Everyone had their chance to indicate their preference by using 10 stickers which could be allocated to one proposal or shared out between 2 or all 3 of the ideas.

As you might imagine, each suggestion was well received but the one which attracted more stickers was the one to proclaim our presence by improving the front of church both externally and internally.

Hall Royd Band in Concert

Spectators were treated to a varied and exciting programme of music from Hall Royd Band on Saturday 11th May 2019. The percussionists enjoyed taking part and music included the theme from Game of Thrones among other foot tappers. It was good to see young members of the band taking part and showing their skills.

Thanks to Gillian and the team for organising the event along with refreshments of tea/coffee and cake.

Proceeds from the evening will go towards the church’s building funds for much needed improvements downstairs.

Northcliffe is proud its long links with Hall Royd Band and grateful for their support given to the church.

Prayer and Praise

Our children led us in our opening prayers this morning.   

They also helped lead our first hymn “Shine, Jesus Shine” before going down to their Sunday Club where they learned how Jesus healed the centurion’s servant. 

The children left the adults to enjoy a service of celebration and reflection led by Caroline Pathak.