Northcliffe People
Welcome and greetings from the people of Northcliffe Church.
We are a mixed fellowship of people from two churches that got together in 2009 to form Northcliffe Church. Northcliffe is a United Reformed and Methodist Local Ecumenical Partnership or LEP.
Our link Minister, Rev Nick Blundell, is one of the Bradford North Methodist Circuit Ministerial Team. Nick is attached to Northcliffe and two other Methodist Churches.
We are proud to have been granted the Child Friendly Church Award from the URC. We are also a member of the Additional Needs Alliance. We welcome all people to our fellowship.
Everyone is valued at Northcliffe and the whole fellowship contributes and gets involved in some way, at some time, according to their skills, strengths and talents.
To keep things running smoothly some people have specific responsibilities. Our aim is to support each other and work as a team.
Senior Elder and Lay Pastor: Tim Billingsley. As senior elder, Tim takes the lead in many things at Northcliffe and has his particular responsibilities within Northcliffe and with the Methodist and UR Churches locally and regionally. He also supports the members and congregation in his role as lay pastor and worship leader. He is supported by other office holders and a small leadership team.
Treasurer: John Watmough. John is a busy man who looks after Northcliffe church’s finances for us.
Church Secretary: Gwen Billingsley. Gwen records many of our meetings and receives and distributes much of the information that lands in our emails and letterboxes. She also works as lettings administrator.
The Leadership Team: This small group not only supports the senior elder but also represents the broader fellowship. They help to draw up plans and discuss recommendations to take to the General Church Meeting for approval or implementation. They each bring personal gifts to the team and are at the core of our service as a fellowship.
Team Members: Gwen Billingsley, Tim Billingsley, Adele Dolby, Gillian Fryer, Christine Howard, and John Watmough. Clive Grimshaw is our link Circuit Steward.
Organist: We are led in our worship by our musician on our organ and grand piano. Grateful thanks go to June Carter our principal musician who plays for Sunday services.
We are also able to use screens to prject video recordings of songs and hymns or stories for younger members.
A Small Team of Leaders and Helpers is available to plan and run our Sunday Club (Junior Church). When the children are available to attend, they share in the first part of our worship before heading downstairs to their own activities.
Please note: All those working with children and vulnerable people are subject to a DBS check and expected to attend Safeguarding training.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Ruth Drake. She can be contacted by email at