ALL, Together we hear about the Great Feast

This inclusive service celebrated the story Jesus told (ably read by Katie Matthews) of the parable of the man who invited all his rich friends and influential people to his party but found that they all sent their excuses. Instead, the rich man sent his servants out to invite any one they found to come to share in his feast.

Activities involved sticking pictures of food onto plates and hunting for pictures of people ‘hidden’ round the church, then sticking them on our collage around Jesus’ table because He invites everyone to His feast. Some people helped make bunting that spelled out “The Great Feast”.

Others guests wrapped pencils which were party gifts to be given to us all, while some enjoyed puzzles and word searches and a third group discussed how Jesus’ love is for everyone.

We enjoyed celebrating the success that Neil and Benjamin had achieved at the Special Olympics in Sheffield (in Basket Ball and Swimming respectively).

It was good to welcome new friends from Champion House in Calverley and we hope to see them again.

We didn’t forget that many people locally do not have enough for their daily needs and a collection for the North Bradford Foodbank was made.

After all this we enjoyed our own tea party down in the hall.

Join us for our next ALL, Together at 3pm on November 19th.