
Guides and Brownies lead us in worship

For this family service, the girls had chosen the theme of RESPECT. Everyone in the congregation was given coloured ribbons which reminded us we should show respect for God, for others, for ourselves and for the world around us.

The BROWNIES acted out a scene to depict how we should always try to get on well with others. The GUIDES enacted a message from the Noah story.

In our time of prayer, we were all given a teaspoon and reminded that in recipes these are abbreviated to tsp. We can now use our teaspoon at home as follows….the t stands for “thanks”, the s for “sorry” and the p for please.

Our thanks go to the girls and their leaders for giving us so much to think about. It was super.

p.s. our Brownie section has been going from strength to strength and we are now ready to take names on a waiting list. The Leaders are obviously doing a great job.